Friday, September 18, 2009

new reliquary

thanks to a mini-commission i've been back in the studio and made my 6th reliquary. i'm loving this series and really like the direction they are taking.

Reliquary #6 (this body is temporary. this body is forever.)
pigmented beeswax, human hair, human blood, found objects.

more to come!

Monday, August 17, 2009

blood in the face

these neo-nazis are pretty boring.
and i thought i'd seen every documentary at TLA, wrong again. awesome.

excellent start to the week. feeling especially good, much much better than the hot mess that last week was.
finished the first huge part of the project at the gallery and i can come in on whatever days i want now.
i am really stoked on this internship. it is all making sense to me, and i am going back tomorrow!
stef has the volvo for the week so we are taking the babies to the please touch museum on Wednesday, (yes)
nannying is so much better when its with bffs and when you get to do things that you're not allowed to do without children.
hopefully everyone will behave.
we made a late night trip to lowes for paint and studio supplies, as well as some new toys
home improvement is surprisingly kinky. my friends are so indulgent.

tomorrow i will copy the keys, dye my hair, and work forever

Sunday, August 16, 2009

squash every week into a day

home again, back to real life
feeling refreshed, coordinated and prepped for the week
having 3, sometimes 4, calendars can get confusing but now they are all in sync
the kitty babies seem happy/healthy
the roommate is a sweetheart as usual. i'll have her around until the winter for sure now, which makes me feel better.

amazing weekend, i don't think i'll ever get used to all this love and so many good times
feeling very lucky

lots of work this week = big money = fun times
must get plenty of sleep and find a babysitter for the kittens this weekend
excited to pick up my boots and start packing for FW!!!!!

must throw things in the laundry and get to sleep.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i have a lot of questions

drinking beers and watching more of the state
trying to figure out the difference between intern and total slave bitch

having these interviews and interactions with all of these non-profits really begs the question
what the fuck are you going to do for me when i spend valuable hours of my time turning your garbage into useable stuff?
yeah i know how to do all of this, im a smart girl with plenty of useful skills no question
im perfectly happy to volunteer these skills as long as i get at least a letter of recommendation, a beefier resume, or maybe even help with grant writing (or even a professional support for a grant proposal which i guess i got today)
but we all know its rough times for money and jobs, (duh) i've applied for everything that looks slightly relevant and have gotten very few responses so i'm doing really everything that i can at this point.
i guess i'm in a unique situation where i can take advantage of all of these internships and the like but i still feel guilty which doesn't make sense.

hopefully i can cool it.
but the state is really fucking funny

Monday, August 10, 2009

and thats the way it turned out to be

long day, very hard to focus and get down to business.
got in to a million fights with packing tape and almost got crushed by giant photographs.
i'm really glad no one watches me handle some of these pieces.

i'll now be working another day during the week at the gallery which is pretty exciting.
i figure in 2 weeks i should have this whole collection logged and organized.
it will be a huge professional/personal accomplishment.
and then i move on to assisting in the selection process for the 2010 fellows.
that is going to be a lot more work in a much more stressful environment.
but i'm glad they like what i've been doing so far.

got a call to come in tomorrow for another non-profit arts organization to maybe work on a visual arts program for them.
if that happens, my resume is going to be out of control.
i have a full day with the child on thursday which will be nice for some extra dollars for the weekend.
a little nervous as usual.

very mellow evening with some ladies.
now its nearly 1:30 and i'm cleaning my room.
can't stop watching british tv.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

unique new york

i need to work on my manners.
and learn to relax a little.
after getting over myself, i had a pretty good week.
and the weekend will be fantastic.

off to the city till saturday for adventures and to see all kinds of friends.
very excited to leave philly.

seeing this one, for the first time probably since high school.
we had so much fun.

Monday, August 3, 2009

hey baby lets make history tonight

today was a blur
i got so much done, it feels nice
everything is so fucking perfect i might have a panic attack
i might start working more, total bonus
plans and plans and plans
have a meeting with a new family on thursday or friday
lovely after work times with some of the favorites
but now i need to turn it off and go to sleep

hard at work...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

like a boss

my eyes are crossing because of all these excel sheets.
some of this work is really terrible and the titles are worse.
excited to actually see some of this garbage up close tomorrow (and put it in alphabetical order)
had vietnamese with stefanie.
now i am having hello pandas in bed with mervin.
need to shower big time. i am so done with this humidity.
then off to sleep.
i am looking forward to an easy week.
i have lots of nice things to think about.
i am so lucky.

this hair is OOC

Saturday, August 1, 2009

these are the moments

today i woke up, made food, fell back to sleep and slept till 4pm.
glorious excess.

now it is 4am and i cant sleep at all.
i love naps but they totally fuck me up.

tonight was fantastic.
checked the cats and met joey at the dive.
started to talk specifics for mz. south philly fab (this shit is going be so crazy!)
stef and cierra made an amazing dinner
went to some awkward club for a hot one.
ended the night at mom's with liz.

i love those ladies so much because they are both so fucking smart.
they are so real, everything gets put into perspective
i think if we all worked together in some kind of collective making our things
we could rule the world
but thats just what i think.

so much happening tomorrow i should sleep
but i cant, my mind is on FF

i should have taken pictures tonight but i didn't
so here are my fingers growing out of the ground

Thursday, July 30, 2009

don't worry, i'll save you.

9 1/2 hours later....I am released into the world.
"Sir! are you okay? Sir! I have training, may I give you care?"
Life saved.
And I got the opening reception cleaned up in 8 mins flat.
I am the queen of anticipatory service.
and a bunch of people showed up for it so it was a smashing success.

the joys of a day in service to one's community....
now i will eat take out and watch t.v.
tomorrow I will celebrate the moments of my life.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

so good.

i think i have my theme (well at least one) for mz. south philly fabulous:

I just watched some of this epic piece of garbage. Grace Jones is a force (as per usual)
I have to incorporate this somehow.
And her versions of "what i did for love" and "tomorrow" have left me speechless...

had liquid lunch with stefanie and liz then got lost in Target.
Now its time for part 3 of David's birthday (geeze)
9 hours of CPR/First Aid tomorrow then the opening....ohhh girl
Luckily the weekend is shaping up nicely.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


August 29th!
At The Wail.....

Mz. South Philly Fabulous!!!!!

MC'd by yours truly and Joey...
if you like drag shows, this one will be the greatest experience of your life.
put on your wig, some pumps, and turn up the glamour!
"we won't be shady, just fierce."

If you thought this was good last year....

We are gonna be out of control!

Monday, July 27, 2009

this is becoming less about work and more about fun

So today I started working on cataloguing the permanent collection at work. Its going to be a whole mess of work but I'm excited. I get to make a million lists. I have my own little office space and everything. Thursday is the opening for the new show. The work came in today and it looks amazing. I always get so nervous about handling other people's pieces but nothing broke so we're all set for the show. The artists were nice too.

Being a jerk and taking photobooth pictures instead of working but I have big shelves!

Speaking of photobooth.....

my best friend the kokopelli

we have a good time

Sunday, July 26, 2009

mervin on the moon and some summer so far

mervin redecorating

stefanie's birthday cake and party
stefanie, italian queen of the mall
inside of the giant heart
the first roof party

I am totally exhausted. Busy weekend of work and play.
Danced to some MJ at Venture last night for David's birthday and hit on hot wasted cougars with Stefanie.
Tomorrow I start cataloguing the permanent collection at the gallery which will probably last for a few months or so. I'm excited about working on something this big.
Lovely lunch times with Will and Connor on their way back to Georgia. I was so tempted to jump in the car and go with them but here I am.
Time to rest up and clean up for the week ahead.

Friday, July 24, 2009

get money girl

Reposted from SG's, mainly for chrissy's expression and the fact that my mouth is open in pretty much every picture of me ever.

fun night. can't wait for next month. 

Anyways, I did not kill the new baby. We had a good day at the park and tearing up the house and he didn't suddenly learn how to use the phone and call 1-800-4ACHILD. 
Taking it real easy tonight with some delicious beers after hopefully learning new rope skills.
Working tomorrow and Sunday.
Looking forward to lunch with the little gay boys from the South. 

Thursday, July 23, 2009

this country motherfucker

see you in two days. 

i learned how to screen print today.
now i am enjoying a documentary about brion gysin.
i hope the new baby is okay tomorrow! 


I got this card in a reading I did for myself a few days ago and feel like it sums up a lot of what's going on and what has being going on with me recently. The six of Pentacles is a card that has a lot to do with events surrounding giving and receiving. It can be about money but also about personal relationships, work, whatever. 
Right now I have been lucky enough to be receiving so much from family, friends, work, and life in general. Its been weird dealing with the idea of not going back to school for the first time in 18 or so years and it really threw me for a while. I've been really worried about staying here instead of moving and making an effort to have a life here but as things often do, it has all fallen into place. I really feel like I am where I need to be at this point in my life. I feel like I finally have some control at least for a little bit. 
I've made a lot of scary, big girl type decisions, stepped a little further out of the closet, and started to harness some key parts of my personality that I've ignored for way too long. I've lost some big things along the way but I feel like what I am gaining is way more important. 
It is truly time, maybe more than ever, to T.C.B.

new things (beeswax will never die)

The plague of Athens
and a new reliquary

These guys..

My favorites from the the thesis show. Jezebel, Paul, and Angelus (top to bottom).
Still keeping me company with the rest of them in the new studio!